terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

“I can slay the Jabberwocky” – Is the sky the limit?

“I always imagine six impossible things before breakfast... Six impossible things. Count’em Alice!
1. There is a potion that makes you shrink
2. There is a cake that makes you grow
3. Animals can talk
4. Cats can disappear
5. There is a place called Wonderlands
6. I can slay the Jabberwocky!”
The excerpt above was taken from the movie “Alice in the Wonderlands” and is my favorite scene for several reasons. First of all because of the way the actress says these words. Second because of its meaning. The thing is, everyone has his own Jaberwockys to slay. The only question we have to ask ourselves is “Do I believe I can actually slay it?” If the answer were yes I would be tempted to tell you that then, for you, the sky is the limit. But why should the sky be our limits? If you wanna fly high, why not fly above and beyond anything you have ever been able to imagine? I always think of this when I watch this movie and it helped me a lot to achieve some personal goals I had established to myself this year. So, I decided I am able to slay my own Jaberwockys, what about you?

See ya!

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