quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010


Long time no see! I am aware that I haven't written much recently, but you may excuse me this time because I was studying hard for some tests at school (Yeay! Miracles happen!) but today I was thinking about my blogpost and decided to write about writing. I used to think that writing didn't demand much skills, that all you needed to write a good piece of article or a book all you need is a great idea in your mind, a few spoons of criativity, a pinch of inspiration and of course a pen and a piece of paper.
After seeing some personal failures while trying to write my own book and reading some fabulous texts of some people I respect a lot, I realised it takes a lot more than that to write. I realised it demands organisation, inteligence, skills, and a lot, and I really mean it, of practice. Of course, I'm not talking about getting good grades at school tests or college admission exams, if that's what you want it's a lot easier, I'm talking about writing art! Writing something that you would love to read.
I'm not the most experienced writer, but I try to be a good one, so I'll share with you somethings I like to keep in mind when I'm elaborating a text.

1º - Brainstorm. Brainstorming will always help you to see everything you know about some subject and than help you to analise what's relevant and what isn't

2º You know all the arguments you want to support? Now discover how. Any kind of text need a solid base, otherwise it will fall apart. I remember when I was writing my book. I had a wonderful story for each main character, I had amazing descriptions of each o them, I had created the most wonderful and complete world with it's whole culture and even invented some new alphabets. What happened? I wanted and adventure, I had pieces of this adventure written down, but I had no idea of why the characters wanted to make this travel and I couldn't lead my text where I wanted. I had nothing to support this travel, so I had to give up until I find a reason for them to travel.

3º - Try to link the subject to some knowledge you are good. I always link it to scientific subjects, for example, once I was asked to write about the difference between men and women. I remembered I read something about the diferent development of certain brain areas in men and women. That was the base of my article.

4º Let your imagination grow, think of comparisons you can make. When I was writing about the Amazon Forest, for example, I compared what happens in the amazon with the Chaos Theory. It was one of the best compositions I've ever wrote.

5º Choose a good kind of introduction and conclusion, always having in mind that you have to be carefull not to be repetitive. And remember, the introduction is what first calls the atention of the reader. The conclusion is what causes the last impression and sumarizes all you wanted to say.

That's all I have to say about writing for now. If you disagree about something or want to add something I forgot, feel free to do it!

See ya!

3 comentários:

  1. o.O you were writing a book??
    you said you like writing, said you wrote poems, tried to write a book, but never showed it to us!!!!
    when you're gonna give us the honor and pleasure to read one of yours writings????

    Now, about the writings issues, I do the same thing, apart from the fact I have great problems with writing the conclusion...

    =* byebye~~

  2. Hahaha, whenever you want to read something I wrote I have another blog. You can find it on the right side of this blog. the link is almost the same. It is shimabuko.blogspot.com
    Of course there is a lot more written than what I post there, but it already gives you the idea of how I write.
